Q: I’ve never employed an investigator. How do I go about it?
A: Give us a call in complete confidence, we will provide you with a verbal plan followed up by a written plan if required.
Q: Are you licensed private investigators?
A: Yes, all our frontline staff are licensed under the Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Act 2010.
Q: Where in New Zealand do you operate?
A: Our head office is based in Auckland but we have investigators and security advisers nationwide
Q: Do you work globally?
A: We have a global reach of investigators through our associations which includes remote areas such as the Pacific Islands
Q: I think my staff are stealing from me. What do I do now?
A: We’re experts at problem solving, we need to understand all the issues you are facing and provide you with a plan. We can use techniques such as surveillance, covert investigations, forensic tools such as copying or imaging computers for investigative analysis, covert cameras.
Q: I require a security review on a facility, how do I do this?
A: Our security experts will assess your requirements, conduct a security review identifying risks and vulnerabilities, we will point out significant risks such as cash handling, theft, breaches of security or cyber security. We will provide you with sensible solutions in a report.
Q: How much do you charge?
A: We can provide you with an accurate estimate. In some instances a deposit will be required.
Our private investigator fees can vary depending on the complexity of the case. In most cases we can provide you with an accurate estimate and a project cost:
- Director $150.00 – $180.00 per hour
- Manager Risk and Security $150.00 per hour
- Senior Investigator $135.00 – $150.00 per hour
- Surveillance $100.00 per hour